COVID-19 AESI List 2nd Quarterly Update (December 2020)

SPEAC has completed a second update of the COVID-19 clinical literature covering the period of August 8 through November 13th 2020. Based on this review three entities are being added to the COVID-19 AESI list: subacute thyroiditis, acute pancreatitis and rhabdomyolysis. The full document provides detailed methodology and results related to these additions as well as proposals for laboratory-based definitions of acute kidney and acute liver injury in lieu of new Brighton case definitions.

In addition a consolidation of all citations included in the COVID-19 landscape analyses from January through November 13th 2020 has been done. Summaries are provided in body system specific annexes to the deliverable. As well, all citations in full along with PMID links are included in a spreadsheet  that has separate tabs by body system.

Please click here to view the quarterly update and here to view the supplemental spreadsheet