Director of Research – Brighton Collaboration

To help meet its increasing needs, the Secretariat for the Brighton Collaboration (BC) has recently posted a new staff position: Director of Research. The position description and link to apply can be found at the following link: Job Posting  (see below for a summary). The Brighton Collaboration is now one of the programs of the Task Force for Global Health’s Center for Vaccine Equity.  Emory University manages the Human Resources for the Task Force for Global Health.

The Director of Research for the Brighton Collaboration (BC):

·         works with the Scientific Director, BC in assessing data and information leading to science-related decisions that govern BC’s work;

·         will link directly with key partner organizations such as the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Ministries of Health, the World Health Organization (WHO), pharmaceutical partners, and other organizations involved in vaccine safety;

·         will provide support and technical expertise to key funded projects (see below for initial allocations) and seek funding for additional projects as opportunity arises; and

·         will represent the program in various national and international settings.