Case Definitions

Brighton Collaboration Case Definitions are designed to facilitate evaluation of adverse events following immunization (AEFI) and adverse events of special interest (AESI) for novel pathogens.

(Total Items: [sbs_posts cat="case-definitions"])

(61 - 72 of 74)

July 13, 2007

Adverse events following exposure to vaccinia virus: Following a declaration by The World Health Assembly in 1980 on the worldwide eradication of smallpox[...]

July 13, 2007

Need for developing case definitions and guidelines for cellulitis at injection site as an adverse events following immunization Cellulitis is an inflammatory condition[...]

June 13, 2007

Need for developing a standardized case definition and guidelines for induration at or near injection site as an adverse event following immunization: Induration[...]

June 13, 2007

Need for developing case definitions and guidelines for adverse events following exposure to vaccinia virus: Following a declaration by The World Health Assembly[...]

May 13, 2007

Need for developing case definitions and guidelines for adverse events following exposure to vaccinia virus: Following a declaration by The World Health Assembly[...]

April 13, 2007

Need for developing case definitions, and guidelines for data collection, analysis, and presentation for antenatal bleeding as an adverse event: Bleeding in the[...]

April 13, 2007

Need for developing a standardized case definition and guidelines for swelling at or near injection site as an adverse events following immunization: Swelling[...]

March 13, 2007

Need for developing a standardized case definition and guidelines for encephalitis/acute disseminated encephalomyelitis as adverse events following immunization: Among the various events reported[...]

March 13, 2007

Adverse events following exposure to vaccinia virus: Following a declaration by The World Health Assembly in 1980 on the worldwide eradication of smallpox[...]

March 8, 2007

Need for developing case definitions and guidelines for unexplained sudden death as an adverse event following immunization: Translations of the terms “cot death”[...]

October 10, 2006

To improve comparability of vaccine safety data, The Brighton Collaboration Intussusception Working Group has developed a case definition and guidelines for intussusception, applicable[...]

January 13, 2006

To improve comparability of vaccine safety data the Brighton Collaboration Local Reactions Working Group has developed a case definition and guidelines for the[...]