Safety Templates

The Brighton Collaboration Benefit-Risk Assessment of VAccines by TechnolOgy (BRAVATO) Working Group has developed standardized templates for benefit-risk assessments of new vaccine candidates.

(Total Items: [sbs_posts cat="vaccine-safety-templates"])

(13 - 17 of 17)

June 11, 2020

Several protein vaccine candidates are among the COVID-19 vaccines in development. The Brighton Collaboration Viral Vector Vaccines Safety Working Group (V3SWG) has prepared[...]

June 11, 2020

Nucleic acid (DNA and RNA) vaccines are among the most advanced vaccines for COVID-19 under development. The Brighton Collaboration Viral Vector Vaccines Safety Working[...]

April 11, 2019

This tool was aimed at identifying potential major hurdles or gaps that would need to be addressed during the development of vectored vaccines.[...]

December 12, 2016

In this paper, we use a standardized template describing key characteristics of the novel rVSV vaccine vectors, in comparison to wild type VSV. The template[...]

January 1, 2016

In this paper, we use a standardized template describing the key characteristics of the novel flavivirus vaccine vectors, in comparison to the parental[...]